@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
One Stop Accounting With its operations ran under automated and computerized approach, accomplishing tasks in just a matter of figure inputs and a short span of time in a very organized way which will ease out your burden. It can even show the performance of your company with graphs and other illustrations which can be easily comprehended. It can help you project future performance and create effective strategies as well.
For New Budget 2013, for Years of Assessment (YAs) 2013 to 2018, businesses that invest in qualifying activities under the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme
This is giving 400% tax deductions/allowances and/or 60% cash payout (“PIC cash payout”) under the PIC scheme.
To know more about Accounting Software do call us now at: 6746 2613/ 6227 1797
We will assist companies to apply for a grant and provide consultation.
Businesses that wish to apply for assistance under this scheme must meet the following conditions:
1. The business is registered or incorporated in Singapore
2. Local equity/shareholding of at least 30%; AND
3. Group annual sales turnover is less than S$100 million OR
staff strength of not more than 200 employees*
4. The accounting software must be listed on the IRAS
5. Subject to approval from govt.(terms apply)